Strategic Plan

English Learners Five-Year Plan 

This five-year English Learner (EL) strategic plan is designed to support MNPS to advance equitable access to educational opportunity for all its ELs and bring about improved academic achievement, language outcomes, and overall self-efficacy as a result.

MNPS partnered with American Institutes for Research (AIR) to develop, implement, and then monitor this EL strategic plan district-wide. Together we developed the plan based on multiple data sources; district staff input; and student, family, and community voices.

The plan is intended to help the MNPS EL Office and the district as a whole to realize its vision of supporting ELs with the social, emotional, cultural, linguistic, and academic skills necessary to excel in higher education and careers.


Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives

Do You Have Questions About the Project?

If you have questions or concerns about this project, please contact AIR Project Director Lisa Hsin or the English Learner's Department.